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by admin last modified May 23, 2022 10:07 AM
Tolkien Moot is an annual international convention dedicated to J.R.R. Tolkien enthusiasts, scholars, and gamers, at all levels of interest.
by admin published Jun 18, 2015 last modified Jun 23, 2015 02:26 AM
Here you will find information on accommodations in the area: hotels, motels, dining, etc.
by admin published Jun 18, 2015 last modified Jul 07, 2016 11:48 AM
Documents, downloads, forms, video, audio, photos, and other files from all MerpCon & Tolkien Moot events since 2005.
by admin published Jun 18, 2015
This is a Java Applet to allow users to join the Inland Empire Tolkien Society's live, real-time, chatroom. Pay careful attention to the pop-ups, and read the instructions on this page. You want to ALLOW the Java to run, and you do NOT want to block it. This chatroom is also used during special events like Tolkien Moot. No registration is necessary. Enjoy! If you have any trouble connecting, please email tolkienscholars at gmail dot com. Namarie! - The first pop-up will either ask you to trust the Applet, or ask you to block the content. If asking to trust, say "yes", if asking you to block, click "No". You should receive a pop-up message asking you to trust the Java applet, please trust it ("Run"). If you give the wrong answer, the applet will not work. If you are unable to run this Java applet, you may need to install or update your Java, or configure your web browser to allow Java applets to run. Please see the Chatroom information page for some suggestions.
Image JPEG image DSC 0145
by admin last modified Jun 23, 2015 01:56 AM
Located in Archives / Photos / 2010 Tolkien Moot VI Photos
Image JPEG image DSC 0145 360x239
by admin last modified Jun 23, 2015 01:56 AM
Located in Archives / Photos / 2010 Tolkien Moot VI Photos
Image JPEG image DSC 0146
by admin last modified Jun 23, 2015 01:56 AM
Located in Archives / Photos / 2010 Tolkien Moot VI Photos
Image JPEG image DSC 0147
by admin last modified Jun 23, 2015 01:56 AM
Located in Archives / Photos / 2010 Tolkien Moot VI Photos
Image JPEG image DSC 0148
by admin last modified Jun 23, 2015 01:56 AM
Located in Archives / Photos / 2010 Tolkien Moot VI Photos
Image JPEG image DSC 0149
by admin last modified Jun 23, 2015 01:56 AM
Located in Archives / Photos / 2010 Tolkien Moot VI Photos