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TolkienMoot Schedule

by admin published Jun 18, 2015 11:20 PM, last modified Jul 27, 2022 10:31 PM
TolkienMoot is an annual convention dedicated to fans, scholars, and gamers of J.R.R. Tolkien and his works.


This year the Moot is all day Saturday and much of Sunday.

See the Location page for directions to the event.

See the Accommodations page for information about hotels, motels, and similar options.

NOTE: all attendees acknowledge that there will be audio & video recording and live streaming on the premises, that may be broadcast and/or saved on the Internet, and allow Tolkien Moot to use your likenesses in perpetuity.

NOTE: This year is a "pot luck" year, so participants will be required, when completing their RSVP, to select at least one item from the Pot Luck contribution list to contribute to the event.

This page provides an overview of the Tolkien Moot schedule. The final schedule is handed out at the event within the participant packets. Though every effort is made to keep the schedule consistent, additional details or slight changes could occur at any time.


* Volunteers arrive by 7:00 am.

* Attendee registration doors open at 7:30 am.

* Opening ceremony begins promptly at 8:00 am (Pacific Time).

* Game seating begins at 8:15 am.

* Game sessions begin promptly at 8:30 am.

* Day ends 10:00 pm

* Volunteers leave by 11:00 pm


* Volunteers arrive by 11:00 am

* Doors open to public at 11:30 am

* Participants seating 11:45 am

* Events resume at 12:00 pm (Noon)

* Event officially ends 7:00 pm (people welcome to stay for after convention socialization and helping with cleanup)

* Volunteers leave at 9:00 pm

The event this year remains 100% free and open to the public, but you must RSVP so we can arrange seating and other necessities, especially for the limited gaming seats.

If you are unable to attend in time for the initial registration, please let us know in advance which times you will be attending.

Typical Tolkien Moot activities may include:

  • Tolkien / Middle-earth based Role Playing Gaming (various systems) sessions.
  • Tolkien / Middle-earth based board games, card games, and other tabletop games.
  • Tolkien / Middle-earth based computer games.
  • Tolkien-inspired music (and/or live musicians when available)
  • "Raw Hobbit" Talk Show by noted Tolkien scholar and published author Michael Martinez (when available)
  • Tolkien Scholarly and/or Gaming Panel(s)
  • Tolkien Youth Panel(s)
  • The Ea Tolkien Society International Meeting Broadcast (1 pm to 3 pm Pacific Time).
  • Middle-earth Radio Talk Show live Internet broadcast with on location and real time live international audience (when available).
  • Live performances by Tolkien-inspired artists (when available).
  • Guest speaker(s) and performer(s) Q&A session(s)
  • Tolkien-inspired Independent films.


TolkienMoot Schedule Overview

All Times US/Pacific (PST8PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Gaming sessions = Role Playing Gaming, LARP, Board Games, Card Games, Video Games, Costuming, etc.


The RSVP Form is usually disabled 2 days before the convention begins, so do not delay to send this form.


If you have a last minute schedule change, and the form is no longer available, please use the Contact page to email or call us regarding your changes.

Tentative schedule (subject to change):

Begin End Event Notes
7:00 am Volunteers arrive to prepare for public.
7:30 am 8:00 am Doors open, Registration begins 7:30 am. Seating is first-come-first-served, though RSVP helps with this, if you are late, we cannot guarantee to hold your seat.
8:00 am 8:15 am Convention begins, opening ceremonies & live broadcast.
8:15 am 8:30 am Gaming seating, Handout participant packets, name tags, sign release forms, seating assignments, character sheets, finalized schedule and other handouts.
8:30 am Noon Gaming Session #1. Tolkien-related Tabletop RPGs, Live-action RP (LARP), video games, card games, board games, etc.
Noon 1:00 pm Lunch and social time.
1:00 pm 2:30 pm Eä Tolkien Society & Middle-earth Talk Show with Special Guest.
2:30 pm 3:00 pm Break and social time.
3:00 pm  6:00 pm Gaming session #2. Tolkien-related Tabletop RPGs, Live-action RP (LARP), video games, card games, board games, etc.
6:00 pm 7:00 pm Dinner and social time.
7:00 pm  10:00 pm Gaming session #3. Tolkien-related Tabletop RPGs, Live-action RP (LARP), video games, card games, board games, etc.
10:00 pm End of Day 1 (may stay later if Game Masters and/or Volunteers agree)

All times are Pacific Time Zone for Spokane, Washington, USA.

Begin End Description Notes
11:00 am Volunteers arrive to prepare.
11:30 am Doors open to the public
11:45 am Participant seating
12:00 pm Events begin
12:00 pm  3:00 pm Gaming Session #4
3:00 pm 3:30 pm Break and Social Time
3:30 pm 7:30 pm Gaming Session #5 (final session)
7:30 pm 7:45 pm Closing ceremonies - official end of convention
7:45 pm 9:00 pm Post-convention social time and clean up.
9:00 pm Doors closed, convention fully over.