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Tolkien Moot XVIII RSVP (Saturday July 30th and Sunday July 31st, 2022)

by admin published May 20, 2022 12:00 PM, last modified Jul 27, 2022 10:34 PM expired

Thanks to the non-profit Eä Tolkien Society, an official Smial of the U.K. Tolkien Society, and the non-profit RPG Research's Role-Playing Game Community Center, Tolkien Moot continues to be 100% free and most events remain open to the public. However we have VERY LIMITED seating, and limited number of ONLINE ROOMS, so not everyone can attend, though everyone is welcome to watch the live streams and participate in the panel discussions. RSVP early if you wish to participate directly. Please take just a few moments to fill out this online RSVP registration form so that our volunteers can be better prepared for you. Apologies for the length of the form, and the lack of graceful layout, but completing this form helps to provide the best experience possible for everyone attending. If you have any technical trouble completing form, please let us know: tolkienmoot at gmail dot com or Text/Phone (USA): (509) 608-7630 (Will be answered by the non-profit RPG Research, hosting our event for free). Remember, Tolkien Moot is "Pot Luck" for food, so be sure to select from the form and remember what you are bringing, to help contribute to this free event. While you are at it, please also consider donating to the non-profit RPG Research who is kindly letting us host this event at their Role-Playing Game Community Center free of charge.

plastic ware (forks, knives, spoons), paper/plastic plates, plastic cups, coffee cups, etc. to share with everyone to help keep the host's costs down. Thank you!
Select one or more items you will be bringing.


This year the doors open at 7:30 am, with events beginning Saturday at 8:00 am sharp.

The convention officially ends Sunday at 7:45 pm (though an option for late night socializing and gaming is open to any wishing to continue).


LOCATION:  RPG Community Center, 101 North Stone Street, Spokane, Washington, 99202 SPOKANE, WASHINGTON, USA.

Live online streaming: Stream 1: Youtube:  - Youtube Stream 2:  - Stream 3: - Stream 4:

Online Virtual Game Meeting Rooms: RPG Research Audio/Video Jitsi Servers -, moot2, moot3, moot4, etc.




  • Event Organizer/Founder: Hawke Robinson
  • Email: tolkienmoot at gmail dot com
  • Cell phone (text okay): (509) 608-7630 (RPG Research will answer and relay the call as needed).


We do reserve the right to cancel at any time without advance notice. This is a 100% volunteer-run, free event, and we do our best to stick to the schedule, but resources vary each year, so sometimes we have to make last minute changes.

We do reserve the right to refuse attendance for any reason, most commonly for seating capacity priority. Be sure to read the agreements in the RSVP form for more details.

Extra gaming sessions are available for those "hard core gamers" that want extra sessions, depending on Game Master availability. Contact your GM for details.


Universal Questionnaire
This section of the form has information that all participants must complete.
Participant Type   Select all that apply. In what capacity will you be participating in this event? You must select at least one role. You may select multiple roles. Please help by selecting at least one item to donate (food, drinks, etc.) and list in comments what you intend to bring.
Attendance Selection Indicate which sessions you plan to attend. Select all that apply.
Commitment Level   Please state the likelihood of your follow through on attending this event. Only those selecting "Committed" are guaranteed seating for gaming events. There is additional seating for non-tabletop-role-playing-gaming events for those who are less certain about their attendance. And you may fill any empty seats as available. Anyone selecting "Tentative" or "Wishful Thinking" may not have an available seat, unless you contact us at least TWO WEEKS BEFORE THE EVENT BEGINS verifying you will be attending. . If all game seating is filled by "Committed" RSVP registrations, subsequent "Committed" RSVP's will be next on the wait list, and we will do everything we can to accommodate you should you appear. "Fairly Firm" will be next in line on the wait list, followed by those selecting "Tentative". IF YOU HAVE TO CANCEL, PLEASE CONTACT US AS SOON AS POSSIBLE TO FREE UP YOUR SEAT FOR THOSE ON THE WAITING LIST. Email: tolkienscholars at gmail dot com or call (USA +1) 509-481-5437 to let us know as soon as possible about any changes or cancellations. Registration is on a first-come, first-reserved basis. Those listed as "committed" get highest priority, followed by "fairly firm". Those listed as tentative will be the first to be put on the wait list. Those listed as "committed" if wait listed, will be the first to come off the wait list if a seat open up.

Contact Preferences   Please let us know what contact methods you would like us to use. By default we generally only contact by email. Postal is rare, and phone is in case of last minute urgent issues.
Food Preferences/Restrictions   Please select any food preferences or restrictions you may have. Tolkien Moot does not control what food types are brought to the event, so if you have severe food proximity allergies (such as nuts), please be aware we can NOT make any guarantees that such allergens will not be at the event (very likely in fact), so please bring/take any necessary precautions (Epi-pen, medication taken in advance, etc.). However, if catering or food is provided, this list will help us in determining what menu options to offer.
Pot Luck Contribution   Everyone attending is expected to bring one or more items to donate "pot luck" style this year. Please select one or more items form the list below to indicate what you will be bringing to share with fellow attendees. Thank you! Note: If we get too many of one item, and too many important items missing, we may send email asking folks to modify their list so we have all the necessities covered. I will try to update this form as RSVP's come in, to indicate how many of each type have already been selected. The number after each item indicates how many others have offered to bring that item. Duplicates are welcomed, though we want to make sure all the basics are covered first.
Accomodations Where will you be residing during the event? Local resident means you already reside in the greater Spokane/WA or Coeur d'Alene area and will not be residing elsewhere during the event. Friend or Family means you will be staying at a friend's or family's location. Hotel/Motel means you will be staying at a hotel or motel in the area (NOTE: Please check the Tolkien Moot website for special event pricing at local hotels/motels). Hostel means you have made arrangements to "crash" at somebody's place (such as Hawke's) during the event. Unknown means you do not yet know where you will be staying. Other means it is not listed, but you know. For Unknown or Other, please provide additional information in the comments section.
Player Questionnaire
Please indicate that types of gaming activities in which you wish to participate. If you are only attending for the broadcast and audience events and do not intend to participate in any gaming, please select "audience-only" or "online-only".
Participation Type   ONLY COMPLETE THE ROLE-PLAYING GAMING SECTIONS IF YOU WERE INVITED TO PARTICIPATE! will only be participating/watching as an online audience member, and will not be participating in any games. I will only be participating as an on site audience member or volunteer, and will not be participating in any games. I will be on site and participating in one or more games as indicated below.

Participate in RPG Sessions?

Gaming Activities Participation Please indicate preferred gaming activities at Tolkien Moot. All activities are Tolkien-related.
Preferred Character Class/Profession
Other Games Systems of Interest We cannot guarantee that the game system you select will be the system available this year (that depends heavily on which Game Masters we have each year), but your selection will count as a vote towards which game systems will be offered, and which table(s) you will be assigned to. Please keep in mind that firm commitments to attending Tolkien Moot will be more of a determining factor than tentative commitments.
Where did you learn about Tolkien Moot?   Please select how you learned about Tolkien Moot. Check all that apply.
Legalese & Disclaimers
Privacy Policy By completing and sending this form you understand the event organizer's privacy policy is to not use participants contact information for any other reason than contact about this or upcoming Tolkien Moot-related, RPG Researcl related, or RPG Therapeutics LLC related events. We will use the data provided for internal research information regarding participant demographics (kept confidential from the public). Information will NOT be disseminated to any organizations outside of the Ea Tolkien Society, RPG Research, or RPG Therapeutics LLC organizations, volunteers, or staff.

Please be patient when you click the Submit button.

If the server is very busy, it can take a few seconds or up to a minute to finish the submission process, please just be patient and do NOT push the submit button more than once (unless you are correcting errors that the server pointed out for your to correct and resubmit).

If you have any trouble with the form, please email tolkienmoot at gmail dot com so we can help you. Or call Hawke at (509) 608-7630 (will answer as RPG Research).

Thank you for your patience. We look forward to seeing you at Tolkienmoot!