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MerpCon III / TolkienMoot 2007 Summary

by Tolkien Moot Volunteer published Jul 07, 2016 01:25 PM, last modified Jul 07, 2016 02:47 PM
This page summarizes MerpCon III / TolkienMoot 2007...

MerpCon III (2007)

merpcon 3 banner verticalGuest Speakers: Dr. Thomas Morwinsky, Professor Chris Seeman, Michael Martinez, Joe Mandala, and Cason Snow.

Theme: Númenor's Early Contact with Middle-earth

Campaign: "Gift-bearers of Númenor", Part 1: Second Age 601, Part 2: S.A. 605, Part 3: S.A. 607, Part 4: S.A. 609, Part 5: S.A. 613.

Videos: Guest Speaker Professor Chris Seeman | Guest Speaker Dr. Thomas Morwinsky | Guest Speaker Michael Martinez | Guest Speaker Joe Mandala | Guest Speaker Cason Snow | Behind the Scenes & Miscllaneous

Photos: MerpCon III Photos

Location: 127 East Mission Avenue (Kung fu for Life)


Media/Review/Report: Report on MerpCon III in The Guild Companion by Joe Mandala


Featured a plethora of special guests including (click the names to see their short biography on this site):

The featured campaign was a complex mix of a six part series loosely linked together, with a "big finale" joining the groups together at the end, called "First ContactsThis page summarizes MerpCon III / TolkienMoot 2007...". You can read the review from The Guild Companion, by Joe Mandala, here.