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Cason Snow

by Tolkien Moot Volunteer published Jul 07, 2016 11:37 AM, last modified Jul 07, 2016 11:37 AM
Cason has been a guest speaker at MerpCon / TolkienMoot...

Cason Snow

Cason Snow

Occupation: Librarian

Role Playing Gaming advocate

Event Attended: MerpCon III

Cason Snow is a librarian for Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois.  
He has been cataloging for their Rare Books and Special Collections for almost six years, and of course, especially enjoys their sci fi/fantasy collection. 
A life long gamer and devote of Tolkien, he has been incredibly fortunate to be able to combine these interests into his professional career. 
His main field of research is in tabletop roleplaying and how it can be integrated into the public and academic library.
Cason spoke at MerpCon III in the final Sunday night session. He discussed how everyone can use the tie-in of Tolkien and role playing gaming to encourage libraries and other facilities to allow role playing games to be available to the public in their collections.