Occupation: Full time single father of 3 boys. Retired as a computer scientist in 2003. Studying part time working towards degree as Recreation & Music Therapist and Researcher.
Events Attended: All TolkienMoot / MerpCon events.
Hawke began role playing gaming in 1979. He is the founder ofMerpCon & Tolkien Moot, the Inland Empire Tolkien Society
,Other Minds Magazine
, the Eä Role Playing Gaming System and d20 adaptation
, the Númenor Project
, Middle-earth Radio
,Middle-earth Talk Radio Show
, SuiteGM software
, and theRPG Research Project
Hawke considers himself a "nobody" in Tolkienology, especially compared to all the other incredible guest speakers at Tolkien Moot. He puts most of his energy in trying to "facilitate" getting everyone together to share their great ideas and have a great time. He has however contributed a little bit to the Tolkien and RPG communities with a few essays and modules here and there.
Tolkien Essays:
- J.R.R. Tolkien's Love of Trees and the Environment (Other Minds Magazine Issue 2
- Tolkien's Impact on Beowulf (Other Minds Magazine Issue 5
- The Tolkien Legacy, The Estate, Enterprises, and the Dismemberment of Other Hands
RPG Essays:
- An Overview History and Therapeutic Value of Role Playing Gaming
- The Battle Over Role Playing Gaming (Other Minds Magazine Issue 1
- The Potential Benefits and Deficits of Role Playing Gaming
- Role Playing Games Used as Educational and Therapeutic Tools for Children, Youth, and Adults
- The Defamation of Role Playing Gaming and Gamers
- Analysis of Personalities and Alienation of Dungeons and Dragons Game Players
Tolkien Adventure Modules (any game system):
- Uswë Númenorello (Escape from Númenor)
(Tolkien Moot 2005 Adventure)
- Umbar-dalad (Under Umbar)
(Tolkien Moot 2006 Adventure)
- Gift Bearers of Numenor - First Contact (Tolkien Moot 2007 Adventure)
- Let Sleeping Dragons Lie (Tolkien Moot 2009 Adventure)