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Tolkien Moot XII, July 16, 2016.

by Tolkien Moot Volunteer published Apr 17, 2016 12:20 PM, last modified Jul 07, 2016 01:37 PM
Tolkien Moot XII (2016) takes place Saturday, July 16th, 8 am to 10 pm. This year on-site attendance of the RPG sessions will be by invitation only, though other events and gaming will be open RSVP, and we will again be broadcasting live over our Youtube channel and Google+ Hangout.

The moot will begin Saturday, July 16th at 8:00 am in Spokane, Washington, and wrap up around 11:00 pm.

This year's Tolkien Moot will be more exclusive than previous years. We will only have two gaming tables this year: 1 adult table, 1 youth table.

We are going with a shorter and smaller Moot this year in the hopes of saving up resources to prepare for a larger one in the future. We still have a dream of running the moot at Bozarth Mansion someday!

So this year's (RPG) gaming attendance is by invitation only. The Gaming RSVP page will only be accessible to those that requested to receive the email invitation for 2016, and have a registered account on the website. If you have not received an invitation, please email tolkienmoot at gmail dot com to double check. Because of the smaller size this year, please understand we can only accommodate a few people this year, please do not take it personally if the tables are already filled and we cannot seat you for gaming. You are still most welcome to attend the other events!

While gaming attendance this year is limited, the non-gaming attendance is open to the general public! If you are interested in attending the non-gaming events, please let us know so we can provide you with directions to the events, and be prepared with sufficient seating.

I am working on setting up a non-gaming RSVP page.

We will still have live broadcasts available to the general public, including:

We might even do something like last year's Spartan Show Adventurer's Guild with live game session broadcasting where the viewing web audience can actually affect the game play! See examples here: If you would like this interactive feature, please email tolkienmoot at gmail dot com to indicate your interest. If enough people indicate interest (only need a handful), then we will set that up!

This year's theme is: "Tolkien's Undead". This means a campaign and discussion topics all about Tolkien's representation of all forms of the undead: zombies, wraiths, spirits, ghosts, vampires, etc. This will probably also include discussions on the MIddle-earth interpretations of the afterlife, for example the Halls of Mandos, "The Gift to Men", the fates of the Elves, reincarnation, etc.

More details coming soon over the next few months.

Tentative schedule (subject to change):

Begin End Event Notes
7:00 am 8:00 am Doors open.
8:00 am 8:15 am Convention begins, opening ceremonies broadcast.
8:15 am 8:30 am Handout participant packets, name tags, sign release forms, seating assignments, character sheets, finalized schedule and other handouts.
8:30 am Noon Gaming session #1. Tolkien-related Tabletop RPGs, Live-action RP (LARP), video games, card games, board games, etc.
Noon 1:00 pm Lunch and social time.
1:00 pm 2:45 pm Eä Tolkien Society & Middle-earth Talk Show with Michael Martinez.
2:45 pm 3:00 pm Brief break.
3:00 pm  6:00 pm Game session #2. Tolkien-related Tabletop RPGs, Live-action RP (LARP), video games, card games, board games, etc.
6:00 pm 7:00 pm Dinner and social time.
7:00 pm  10:00 pm Gaming session #3. Tolkien-related Tabletop RPGs, Live-action RP (LARP), video games, card games, board games, etc.
10:00 pm 10:15 pm Closing ceremonies.
10:15 pm Midnight+ Optional game session #4. Tolkien-related Tabletop RPGs, Live-action RP (LARP), video games, card games, board games, etc.

All times are Pacific Time Zone for Spokane, Washington, USA.

NOTE: all attendees acknowledge that there will be audio & video recording on the premises, that may be broadcast and/or saved on the Internet, and allow Tolkien Moot to use your likenesses.

NOTE: This year is a "pot luck" year, so participants will be required, when completing their RSVP, to select at least one item from the Pot Luck contribution list to contribute to the event.


UPDATE 20160609: It has been confirmed that the primary RPG table will be using Cubicle 7's The One Ring Role-Playing Game (TOR RPG), adapted to fit the convention's campaign. The secondary (youth) table will be using either Eä d20 (D&D adapted to Middle-earth) or if we can get access, the new upcoming d20 TOR!


UPDATE 20160707: The convention campaign this year, written by Hawke Robinson and Drake Robinson, following this year's theme of Tolkien's Undead, is titled: "Undying Love". It is a "mid-level" campaign for heroic adventurers set in Third Age 2949. 


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Tolkien Moot Volunteer
Tolkien Moot Volunteer says:
Jul 06, 2016 01:31 PM
Reminder: Eä #Tolkien Society's Annual Tolkien Moot XII Begins July 16, 2016! #convention #moots #RPG
By popular request of the attendees at the upcoming Tolkien Moot XII, we will be running both TOR RPG (The One Ring Role-Playing Game by Cubicle 7's Francesco Nepitello), and d20 adaptations (based on Eä d20) for AD&D 1st edition.
This will be the first year we are not including other tables for other systems such as ICE's MERP, Decipher's LotR, Harnmaster, GURPS, etc. All of the attendees requested either d20 (most) or TOR RPG (2nd).
We have sent several requests to Cubicle 7 since their announcement about their d20 adaptation, asking for the status (and any possible early/sneak peaks) on their d20 TOR, since we haven't received any responses, but unfortunately have not received any responses.
So we will once again use the Eä d20-based rules until Cubicle 7 makes something available.
Remember we stream the convention live over the Internet via our Youtube channel each year (and keep it archived there).
We keep hoping C7 will reply in time for us to share with the avid Tolkien-based community viewing/attending Tolkien Moot, but we'll make do with whatever is available until then.
As usual, we have players ranging widely in ages from around 11 to 50+ years old. And this year may be almost even in attendee numbers between youth and adult tables, and male/female attendees!
Nice to see a better balance and some "changing of the guard" with new players!
Happy Gaming and Namarie!